approximate range

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  1. On condition that the approximate error was in allowable range, the optimization algorithm to fix cycloid parameters was given for the objective of the highest machining efficiency.
  2. For the range resolution, an approximate formula is put forward and the range resolution limit of SAR imaging is formulated also.
  3. This previously unknown organism is only visible under an electron microscope ( 36,000X), with an approximate size range equal to a medium size virus.
  4. The results show that the reduced bilinear model developed can approximate the reactor dynamics more accurately than the linear one over a much wider range around the operating state.
  5. By utilizing the concept of "variable base approximation" and "Taylor first order nonlinear expansion", the authors propose a new kind of two-point based adaptive approximate function so as to improve the accuracy and to expand the approximate range.
  6. The approximate formula for influence of output transconductance on spurious free dynamic range ( SFDR) is obtained using Fourier series.
  7. Finally, we recommended an approximate coupling range of soil moisture and BGA dosage, which was suitable to cold resistance of E. japonicus.
  8. The Approximate Solution of Ultimate Operating Range in a Thermal Imaging System for Extended Target Under Moderate Meteorological Conditions
  9. According to different occurrence probability of bottom event, take advantage of Visual C++ program and Monte Carlo simulation and we can get the best parameter of top event occurrence probability in Fault Tree approximate computation of different bottom events occurrence probability range.
  10. In the process of texture segmentation, the algorithm first applies wavelet transform to IC image and applies raise transform to binary conversion of the approximate part, then extracts different texture and segmentation range by combing information of original image.
  11. It also analysed and discussed the range of application of the approximate solution and its error in detail. Therefore this paper extended the range of application of the Γ-P method and improved the accuracy of solution.
  12. The distribution of point set with specified condition and the estimate of its deviation are important content of number theory and approximate analysis. This present article discusses the optimum distibution of point set range, and the main conclusion is theorem 3 and theorem 4.
  13. An Approximate Method Applicable to Calculating Forced Response of Mistuned Bladed Disks in Medium Coupling Range
  14. The bond distances and angles between the atoms approximate theoretic ralues and in the range of error allowed.
  15. The errors involved in using this approximate formula and its application range are analyzed in the paper.
  16. In this paper, the approximate perturbation range of the state matrix of a linear time-invariant system is given, keeping the system controllability invariant.
  17. Our approximate results for specific heat at the high temperature range have the same temperature and volume dependence as that from the dynamical theory of crystal lattices.
  18. An Approximate Solution of a Multi medium Coupling Nonlinear Isolator Under Deterministic Excitation An Approximate Method Applicable to Calculating Forced Response of Mistuned Bladed Disks in Medium Coupling Range
  19. The method is getting the approximate range of frequency peak of FMCW radar's beat frequency signal, using FFT. Then subdivide frequency in this range, by Chirp-Z transform. Thus we can get the high precision frequency estimation.
  20. However, the choice of the resistance factor of soils is a problem in engineering, the approximate range of m-value is given in general specifications. For the large different geological conditions, the m-value has great arbitrary.
  21. And according to the relevant theory, the control mechanism of the control method, the reason of the selective excitation of CARS by using the best adjustable parameters, and the approximate range of the best adjustable parameters are qualitatively analyzed.
  22. Image segmentation methods, such as the snake model, the gradient vector flow model, use dynamic optimization of energy function to approximate the true target outline, to expand external range and to enhance the attractiveness of the target depression contour edges.
  23. Quantization precision at each sampling point is the approximate value of the range, the degree of precision.
  24. Statistics in the region after valve replacement, aortic valve, mitral valve, and double valve replacement patients after the approximate range of anticoagulation intensity and the amount of drug orally. 3.
  25. The innovations of this thesis are as follows: 1. The approximate linear relation between SAR Doppler centroid and the slant range of the scene is derived. Based on the relation, a novel method for resolving SAR PRF-ambiguity is proposed.
  26. We propose three algorithms to obtain approximate optimal transmission range lists for different node distributions.
  27. We also propose an ACO-based distributed algorithm ( AASTRL) to prolong the network lifetime, which can help nodes in different areas to adaptively find approximate optimal transmission range based on the node distribution.
  28. While, the approximate range history maybe not clear, so the results are unideal under big slant angle and the scatterers away from the reference poin.